Monday, March 30, 2009

Permits, Insurance and Tea Parties

I started the morning knowing exactly how I wanted to respond to the Florida governments decision to cancel the Tea Party.

When I went to bed, I had no idea whether the protesters would do the right thing and buck the Government and meet anyway or if they would bow and let the State win.

Late this morning, word went out that the protest was back on, thus everything I had written earlier was pretty much irrelevant.

Come to think of it - not everything. I still have a peeve to pick with Florida and any other State that says you have to have insurance and permits or any other such nonsense in order to protest.

The idea of needing such is against the first amendment, which clearly states:

"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Insurance and permits are a law created illegally by the Government. Two laws that restrict protests. That is unconstitutional!

Throughout the day I've read people saying that the government insisting on permits and insurance are logical.

No, it's not. Like we saw over the weekend. The illegal limitations, of which they are, tried to stop "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

From what I understand, the only reason the Tea Party is going to be held is because someone foot the bill.

That was the wrong thing to do. The right thing was to assemble anyway. Whether the Government likes it or not - it's our right and there are a lot of people out there who say the same. And since I'm coming to the end of my word limit for the night, let's say...

To be continued...protesting against the odds - Flashback to the 1980's Atlanta protests.

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Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Yes it says make NO law.
But no one listens and young people have forgotten, no , never learned the truth in school as they dumbed down education just so this would happen, I think anyway.

Yochana said...

I think older people have forgotten too. They're just as bad as the young ones when it comes to not caring what the constitution says.

To retaliate, so to speak, I keep a copy of the Declaration of Independence & the Constitution beside my pc so I can direct quote at will and toss out reminders for those who choose to forget. :]