Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ohio – The Land of No Common Sense

It was a rude awakening to find the socialists who had been pushing vote a “no” vote on Issue 2 won.  Was it because they focused their fight on scaring the weak, who believed our entire society would collapse if it passed?  Your house would burn to the ground because we’d have no more firemen?  You would no longer have police protection if Issue 2 passed?

This is the game the socialists played in getting their win against common sense.  In the process, they have once more told those going into the teaching profession, etc and don’t want to be in the union – we don’t want you, go to another state. 

What I have such a hard time understanding is:

1.  What gives the union the right to own businesses and jobs that THEY never started?  In other words, what gives the union the right to tell people you’re not allowed to work here.

2.  What gives people who are lazy the  right to have the same benefits as those who work their butt off?

3.  Why do those who voted “no” against a common sense issue not care about 1 and 2.

Let’s continue my rant.

4.  What makes you think, just because you are a teacher, a cop, a fireman, etc., that you shouldn’t have to chip in on your healthcare and retirement?

Number 4 screams of welfare state.  It also screams of irresponsibility.  It screams “me, me, me generation.”  It' screams that a person shouldn’t have to work to earn their pay.  It screams socialist losers.

I suppose the only bright side to the issue is that at least 25.09% of us have the common sense to know the difference between right and wrong.  We can feel proud that we voted common sense.

The other 74.91% who voted socialist, have disgraced our state.  They are the whiners.  The ones who believe things should be handed to them on a plate without effort.  They are the ones who are exactly what this current Marxist Socialist regime wants – gullible, self-centered followers.

Atlas Shrugs.



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