Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Guys and their dumb ideas.

“Real outdoorsmen prove Sarah Palin is a fake.”  Oh good gried. If I read one more post about some guy claiming to be an expert hunter, I’ll have to pick him off with my Buck Roger’s beanflipper.  Normally, I post links to what I’m reading, but this one was so stupid I’m not going to bother.  Instead, I’ll dissect the little bugger.

Claim: She shot 4-5 times at a wandering caribou and missed
ME:  If you were paying attention to the show, you would know that the sites on the gun were off from when her dad took a plunge down the hill.  Once she borrowed her dad’s gun, she took it in one shot.

Claim:  When she shot the first time and missed, she panicked and shot at it as it moved, apparently thinking it would be easier to hit that way than when standing still
ME:  Oh the countless deer that lie dying every year in the woods because some dumb guy got all excited that a deer was in front of him, shot, missed the mark, maimed the deer and then spent hour after hour looking for it only to return empty handed.  You’ve got to do better than that guys.  Try again.

Claim:  She took no practice shots.
ME:  Neither did I and neither did my dad.  Neither does any hunter who hunts on our 300 acre farm!  Try again.

Claim:  She didn’t check the sites (they were off)
ME:  Refer to previous response.  The same fits here.

Claim:  She didn’t carry her own rifle; she let her father and his friend carry it for her (her father is 72-years-old to Palin’s sprightly 46)
ME:  Yes, folks, carrying your own gun makes you a real hunter.  LOL  If you bothered to read her books, you would know that Palin is very much a daddy’s girl and that her dad always carried his kids stuff.  He loved and loves doing it.  That’s him.  So!  Try again!

Claim:  She let her father load the rifle
ME:  Yip!  See previous response and you’ll have an answer to that one. Plus, my dad loaded my gun for me every now and again.  Try again!

Claim:  When the rifle was passed to her, Mama Grizzly “moved her finger inside its trigger guard, a breach of basic safety rules” as one website noted
ME:  Yip!  Shall I count off the number of guys who I know who do that?  Try again.

Claim:  “On leaving her hunting camp one morning, Ms Palin pointed to the horizon and declared ‘Let’s go west.’ There followed an awkward pause. “That’s east,” noted her father.”
ME:  ROFL!!! That was a classic moment!  I loved it!  Anyway, yes, getting your directions all mixed up is sure sign you’re not a hunter or an outdoorsman.  Ohhhh the number of guys I know who can’t go on the hill without getting lost.  Try again.

Claim:  She was under-armed (her father called her weapon a “varmint rifle” yet she expressed concern that it might have a kick)
ME:  Oh give me a break.  I’ve never in my life shot a rifle that I didn’t ask in advance about the kick.  I’ve met few guys who didn’t ask, and those who were too stupid to, were either told by dad, or dad would look over, give an evil grin and watch the guy lose half his face on the cheek burn.  LOL

You guys who claim to be such “great” experts on hunting are so pathetically lame, and I think by my break down I’ve proved it.

One more thing!  As for Palin’s hunting license - you don’t need a license if your under 15.  Personally, I’ve never had a license in my life, but I’ve hunted.  Never bought a fishing license until I was in my mid-20’s.  Fished illegally all the time.

Which leads me to ask you lame experts - how many times have you hunted or fished illegally?  Oh wait. I forgot. Males are perfect law abiding citizens.  (I’m still laughing.)

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