Thursday, July 21, 2011

It’s Mock Granny Palin Time

The LSM is out to mock the possibility that Palin’s son got his girlfriend, now wife, pregnant outside of marriage.   These pathetic tactics by the media humour me.  I wish I could put them all in one room and ask:

  1. How many of you were virgins when you got married?
  2. How many of you were using birth control as teens?
  3. How young were you when you lost your virginity?
  4. How many of you got your girlfriend pregnant and then tried to make her have an abortion?
  5. How many of you have illegitimate kids?
  6. How many of you had an abortion?
  7. How many of you have parents who were virgins when they married?
  8. How many of you are the byproduct of said relationships?

I’d like to ask the bloggers, facebook and twitter brats the same questions.  

So!  What are your answers guys?  I’m waiting. 

PS:  Only losers try to hold others to standards they don’t keep themselves – excuses for it,  just make you bigger losers.



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