Tuesday, August 7, 2012

CNN continues to blame it's listeners for their music bloopers

First it was playing "Stupid Girl" before the short piece on the Palins. Then, they pulled the ultimate in distaste by playing "Only the Good Die Young" after their segment on the Sikh Temple shooting. What was their excuse again? Callers get to choose some of the music played. That's nice. BUT! They know which segment is coming up next. They have control of what's played.I have a really hard time believing any of this was by accident, and here's why - CNN hates Palin. As for the Sikh Temple? Guarantee you, if it had been a mosque - that mistake would have never been made. It was a Sikh Temple, a bunch of Indians (India Indians, not our cassino Indians) - they don't matter. Well, CNN, they do matter, and hopefully this will speed the trend in your already declining ratings.

CNN Plays 'Stupid Girl' To Intro Piece on Sarah Palin

CNN Apologizes For Playing 'Only The Good Die Young' After Segment On ...Huffington Post

Wisconsin temple shooting: CNN plays Only The Good Die Young after segment ...Daily Mail

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