Tuesday, July 19, 2011

CA brainwashing lawmakers say let's teach the "History Of Gays And Lesbians" in public schools! Your tax dollars hard at work again.

And this my friends is why homeschooling is becoming more and more popular! Let's look at a short list of what's currently being taught in the school system and how your kids are slowly being brainwashed into accepting the unacceptable:

1) Some schools are insisting your kids learn islam and take arabic.

2) Socialism has been being taught for years, which is why the current regimes attempt at creating the great "Nannie State" is so acceptable among Democrats. They've had it drilled into their heads since grade school that this is the only way to go.

3) There's no such thing as illegal aliens. These are poor people who just want to make a good life for themselves and so they come here. It doesn't matter how they come, we should welcome them with open arms. In other words, laws are not important.Anyway, now it's gay/lesbian history? Whatever happened to moral values?Check this post CA Lawmakers Pass Bill To Teach History Of Gays And Lesbians In Schools - TPMMuckraker

CA Lawmakers Pass Bill To Teach History Of Gays And Lesbians In Schools


He told World Net Daily after the bill passed: "May this brash attack upon children's innocence finally motivate parents to remove their children from the government school system, and get them into the safe havens of church schooling and homeschooling ...

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