Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sarah Palin speaks in Colorado on bin Laden and leaves out obama

So far, Sarah Palin is the only one who has it right - leave out obama.

Listen folks, obama deserves no credit for anything.  I mean seriously here.  Listening to him talk about the US and how great we are makes me want to puke.  Obama who has gone out of his way to apologise for our existence, apologise for everything great thing we've ever done, bows to his fellow muzlims...and now he wants to try a 180 and sound like he loves this country and start bragging on it?  Rubbish. It's just another one of his "Hey look! 2012 elections are coming up. I gotta look good," antics.

For those of us whose little gray cells still function - we're not falling for your lip service.  All credit goes to our military, especially the men and women who have lost their lives in the pursuit of this pile of bat guano.  Bush, who I was no fan of because of his crooked dealings with Israel, deserves credit for having the balls to say bin Laden was dead meat and went after him.  I think we all know if obama had been occupying the White House at the time that he wouldn't have done a thing.  Anyway, watch the video here: Sarah Palin speaks in Colorado on bin Laden - The Coloradoan
Palin leaves out Obama during remarks on bin Laden. 9NEWS at 10 pm 05/02/11
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