Tuesday, May 10, 2011

(Put 'em in the crosshairs!) Herman Cain:...Technology and Guns

Herman Cain's 4 Points: 1) Secure the border with technology and guns. 2) Enforce the laws that are already on the books. 3) Let's make it easier for businesses to hire people who are here legally. 4) Empower the states to do what the federal government is not doing and what the federal government will not do. Obama is bringing up the immigration issue simply to distract from: 1) failed economic policies 2) rising unemployment rates 3) there are things he could do to stabalize gas prices if he would allow an aggressive drill here, drill now plan. Obama lacks solid common sense solutions. [ME: Herman sounds a lot like Sarah Palin.]Check this post Herman Cain: We Need to Secure the Border With Technology and Guns

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