Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let’s talk reality.

To the guy who started the protests against Whole Foods (this is not in defense of Whole Foods. Learned they support hamas. I was simply identifying who the idiot on the show who said it. ---Thanks for the heads up Lemon:

Where on earth do you get off saying the majority of doctors want government run health care? Let me enlighten you on the subject of doctors. They don't want this health care plan to go through and here's why:

  1. They will take an even bigger financial loss than they already are from Medicare and Medicaid patients. In case you don't know, doctors only receive a small percentage of what they actually charge. If that isn't frustrating enough, getting the money from Medicare and Medicaid is like pulling teeth on a donkey. It's a nuisance and the other reason a good number of docs won't take you if you are on government help.
  2. Here's a REAL fact for you: There are people on Medicare and Medicaid who DIE because of it. Saw it happen in Brooklyn and elsewhere. They don't always get the best health care. There are doctors who will give you the care equal to what they think fits what the government pays them and nothing more. If it's like that now, how much more so if this foolish government run health care program passes.
  3. Not everyone without insurance DIES because of it. When I had my stroke, I didn't have a lick of insurance. My doc sent me to the hospital for an MRI and CAT. They knew I wasn't insured and did it anyway. Hospitals WILL work with you. They WANT you to have help. Hospitals are NOT your enemy - big government is.
  4. Let's hit one other issue. If you need expensive medicine and don't have insurance to cover it – the pharmaceutical companies WILL work with you.

Our system is far from perfect, but it beats government run. Yes, something has to be done to get costs to lower but socialism is NOT the answer.


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

My daughter works in medicine. She knows that most doctors despise this.
They understand it will destroy health care in America.

By the way did you know Whole Foods funds Hamas in some ways?

Yochana said...

Nope didn't know that. Gotta put a comment on it.