Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Ball-less Wonder...

Found this on Americans Against Obama. The video speaks for itself. Brace yourselves for a disgusting scene and I'm not just talking about staring at a room full of democrats. PS: My comments beneath the video are offensive and slightly vulgar - welcome to the Squibbler.

Personal opinion, I think even worse than the dems not standing, is the coward who allowed himself to be pulled down and didn't even bother to try to stand again or tell the person off.

Whoever you are - you're pathetic. And as Sid Bridge said in his podcast at The Endive about Obama:

"...you have a small pair of nutts...ok, you have balls - but they're small balls..."

And that, my friends! Is the perfect description of the guy who allowed himself to be pulled down without a fight.


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

I am not shocked by it at all.
I have long believed in an American erev rav.
Since I sort of think the US might be Yosef , it makes sense.
But, whatever, we do have our own erev rav and all that it implies.

Yochana said...

It's laughable in one sense because of all the dems I've heard say they are patriotic. Yeah, right.